jueves, 3 de julio de 2008

something i found online... hillarious!

by A. Fool, Nov 16, 2007

I live in Jamaica, and we call it ganja. I grew up with it. The first time I used it my grandmother had gone to the local police officer to get a few ounces to help with my asthma.

She made it into a very black bitter tea. I drank it. I used to drink it every day to prevent asthma attacks.

When I got older I smoked ganja once and while. I didn't do it to get "high", I used it for insights.

I didn't smoke tiny little toothpicks, I rolled double sized cigarette "spliffs". I might take two or three pulls before outing it, because it was strong enough to open my thoughts after only two or three pulls.

I noticed others would smoke until they passed out, or made fools of themselves, and couldn't see the purpose of it.

When I went to University I drank the tea each morning before breakfast, each evening when I came from class. I never had an asthma attack.

I smoked ganja before I took my exams, it enabled me to so focus on what was before me that I could pass my best friend and not see him.

After exams, when I was working, I smoked once and a while but wasn't much into it. Where I lived was so polluted that I had to get an asthma inhaler as the tea didn't work anymore.

Eventually, I stopped smoking ganja. I had no use for it. But others continued to smoke until they passed out or made fools of themselves.

I once tapped a heretofore brilliant young man who got a double dose of oral diarrhea after smoking a spliff. He couldn't shut up, he couldn't stick on one topic, and rambled on and on and on. The next day I played the tape for him and he never smoked another spliff after that.

There are those who want to get "high" to stop being who they are. Who want an excuse to do things they are too inhibited so to do.

There are those who virtually become addicted to ganja. They can't stand themselves as they are. They have nothing to focus on so just smoke until they enter the land of nod where they sleepwalk through their lives doing stupid things, and acting as if "someone else" did them.

There are also those who smoke and go right off the deep end, never finding their way back.

Those of us who grew up with ganja as you grew up with oatmeal don't see anything particularly exciting about it.

The idea of huffing and puffing and holding it in to get a buzz looks so ridiculous I can't but laugh.

If you smoke it once and awhile and try to do something while under the influence you may either find that it makes it twice as difficult or redirects your thought "out of the box".

To need to get hide is the problem, not the ganja. For without ganja there is liquor, cocaine, heroin and a whole drug store full of pills.

It is not the ganja's fault that people abuse it.

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