He aprendido que cuando sølo una persona me dice: "Tu me alegraste el dia", me alegra el dia. Que cuando te amarras a tu amargura, la felicidad amarrara en otro muelle. Que desearia haberle dicho a mi Padre que lo quiero, una vez mas, antes de que falleciera. Que cuando estas enamorado, se nota. Que ser bondadoso es mas importante que tener la razon. Que nunca debemos rechazar el regalo de un niño. Que yo siempre puedo rezar por otro cuando no tengo las fuerzas para ayudarlo de alguna otra manera. Que la vida es como un rollo de papel; mientras mas se acerca a su fin, mas rapido se acaba. Que deberiamos estar contentos de que Dios no nos dio todo lo que pedimos. Que el dinero no compra amor. Que las pequeñas cosas de todos los dias hacen la vida tan espectacular. Que bajo la coraza mas dura hay alguien que quiere ser apreciado y amado. Que el Señor no lo hizo todo en un dia. ¿Que me hace pensar que yo puedo? Que cuando planeas vengarte de alguien, estas dejando que esa persona continue hiriendote. Que el amor y no el tiempo cierra todas las heridas. Que la forma mas facil de crecer como persona es rodearme de gente mas capaz que yo. Que todos con los que te encuentras se merecen que los recibas con una sonrisa. Que nadie es perfecto hasta que te enamoras de esa persona. Que la vida es dura pero yo soy mas duro. Que las oportunidades nunca se pierden; alguien tomara la que dejaste pasar. Que debemos mantener nuestras palabras tiernas, porque mañana talvez debamos masticarlas. Que una sonrisa es una forma muy barata de mejorar la presencia. Que no puedo decidir como me siento, pero si puedo decidir que voy a hacer al respecto. Que mientras menos tiempo tengo disponisble, mas cosas termnino. Que las mujeres alegran a los hombres y los hombres alegran a las mujeres, pero siempre cuando ambos se tratan con cariño. Que los buenos amigos y amigas se preocupan de saber que me agrada y ademas conocen mi fecha de nacimiento. He aprendido que entregar amor a todos es mi mejor arma y deseo compartirla. Que tengas un bonito dia!!
-periodico El Mañana, Rafael Garcia
martes, 29 de julio de 2008
domingo, 27 de julio de 2008
lazos de amor
Todos hemos hecho cosas por las cuales condenamos a otros. Si deseamos que se nos perdone, debemos perdonar. Sentir rabia corroe el alma.
Cuando te deprimes, pierdes la perspectiva, olvidas y das las cosas por sentado. Agudiza tu atencion. Recapacita sobre tus valores. Recuerda que es lo que no debes dar por hecho. Cambia tu punto de vista y no olvides lo que es importante y lo que no es. Evita caer en rutina. No pierdas la esperanza.
-Brian Weiss
Cuando te deprimes, pierdes la perspectiva, olvidas y das las cosas por sentado. Agudiza tu atencion. Recapacita sobre tus valores. Recuerda que es lo que no debes dar por hecho. Cambia tu punto de vista y no olvides lo que es importante y lo que no es. Evita caer en rutina. No pierdas la esperanza.
-Brian Weiss
viernes, 25 de julio de 2008
miércoles, 16 de julio de 2008
de noite com cachaça tudo é informal
vou com meu coraçao batindo no peito forte como se fosse uma maquina do carro
minha cabeça nao pode mais
to malouca
tenho problemas mentals
a gente fica com certeza q eu to mal
nao posso bater papo
nao posso nao
tudo mundo é um scrotto
acho q tudos me quer fazer um mal
quero querer
quero sentir
quero dançar
a vida e corta
nao posso mais continuar assim
preciso cambiar tudo
alguma coisa ta mal
me fale o q é?
eu daria tudo por saber
vou com meu coraçao batindo no peito forte como se fosse uma maquina do carro
minha cabeça nao pode mais
to malouca
tenho problemas mentals
a gente fica com certeza q eu to mal
nao posso bater papo
nao posso nao
tudo mundo é um scrotto
acho q tudos me quer fazer um mal
quero querer
quero sentir
quero dançar
a vida e corta
nao posso mais continuar assim
preciso cambiar tudo
alguma coisa ta mal
me fale o q é?
eu daria tudo por saber
martes, 15 de julio de 2008
lunes, 14 de julio de 2008
domingo, 13 de julio de 2008
sábado, 12 de julio de 2008
unknown blue thing
cuerpo hundido en sabanas
tres horas de buchanans
ha llegado la hora de partida,
todos rumbo a su captiva
ruidos extraños a las afueras de mi cuartel
que si es el mounstro?
platicas, carcajadas, caras cotidianas extrañadas
tu rostro, tu sonrisa, tu voz
todo tu
sentada en la batalla de la noche
esa noche sin sueño , sin sueño por la ausencia de tu voz
es preferible la presencia que actualmente esta en ausencia
gritos, dichos, ocurrencias paisanas
cada momento se induce en ti
mario de saved by the bell
noooooo mas
preciso de ti
tha entao
a vida é malouca, ums morrem, ums voltam, ums vaim a rolar, dançar, brigar, mais tudo é vivir a vida no massimo
mi manca vc, agora acho que nao sei o q fazer... voltar, viaggar, ficar com vc?
tudo tem raçao
ela morre, ele morre, eu vou morrer um dia....
tudo tem um lado A e um lado B
so é escolher o que vc quizer....
sabe, agora to com fame! mais nao quero comer nao !!!
to magrinha agora, tudo ta legal :_)
penso muito muito muito em vc
tudo o dia caralho!!! que tem feito pra mim?
com certeza vc ta dentro do meu coraçao
tipo assim....
sim vc me faz mal.... vou enlouqueçer
a vida é assim
nao me faz mal, q depois vou fazer tudo pra vc tomar no cu!
menino sim quero-te beijar
quero-te falar o que sento por vc
sento o sentimento do querer
quero falar te quero
mais... quando chega o momento... nao posso
mais quero te falar
quero muito a vc
tres horas de buchanans
ha llegado la hora de partida,
todos rumbo a su captiva
ruidos extraños a las afueras de mi cuartel
que si es el mounstro?
platicas, carcajadas, caras cotidianas extrañadas
tu rostro, tu sonrisa, tu voz
todo tu
sentada en la batalla de la noche
esa noche sin sueño , sin sueño por la ausencia de tu voz
es preferible la presencia que actualmente esta en ausencia
gritos, dichos, ocurrencias paisanas
cada momento se induce en ti
mario de saved by the bell
noooooo mas
preciso de ti
tha entao
a vida é malouca, ums morrem, ums voltam, ums vaim a rolar, dançar, brigar, mais tudo é vivir a vida no massimo
mi manca vc, agora acho que nao sei o q fazer... voltar, viaggar, ficar com vc?
tudo tem raçao
ela morre, ele morre, eu vou morrer um dia....
tudo tem um lado A e um lado B
so é escolher o que vc quizer....
sabe, agora to com fame! mais nao quero comer nao !!!
to magrinha agora, tudo ta legal :_)
penso muito muito muito em vc
tudo o dia caralho!!! que tem feito pra mim?
com certeza vc ta dentro do meu coraçao
tipo assim....
sim vc me faz mal.... vou enlouqueçer
a vida é assim
nao me faz mal, q depois vou fazer tudo pra vc tomar no cu!
menino sim quero-te beijar
quero-te falar o que sento por vc
sento o sentimento do querer
quero falar te quero
mais... quando chega o momento... nao posso
mais quero te falar
quero muito a vc
jueves, 10 de julio de 2008
miércoles, 9 de julio de 2008
lunes, 7 de julio de 2008
tu voz me tranquiliza
tu sonrisa me atiza
atizada de un sentimiento no obstante
cero conformista, procuro abismo en tus brazos
tu energia robusta fortifica la mia entrañablemente
me afano a tu ser
mis dudas se convierten en tus atributos
se suspenden mis juicios, procuro reciprocidad
adquiero tu fundamento como un novato
eres un impulso anhelado
intento visualizar aquel futuro planeado
simultaneamente tu eres mi presente
la inquietud no deja dormir
la intuicion vence a la duda
el miedo va desvaneciendo poco a poco
tu abrazo me saca del peligro
me arriesgo a las ramas del hoy
mi futuro no esta firme; papalotea como de costumbre
solo tengo una esperanza
quiero alquilar ese amor en prueba
quiero entoxicarme de ti
como una gata en celo recuerdo tus abilidades
pierdo la calma y me llevas en euforia corporal
todo esta escrito en las leyes del destino
llevame contigo
tu sonrisa me atiza
atizada de un sentimiento no obstante
cero conformista, procuro abismo en tus brazos
tu energia robusta fortifica la mia entrañablemente
me afano a tu ser
mis dudas se convierten en tus atributos
se suspenden mis juicios, procuro reciprocidad
adquiero tu fundamento como un novato
eres un impulso anhelado
intento visualizar aquel futuro planeado
simultaneamente tu eres mi presente
la inquietud no deja dormir
la intuicion vence a la duda
el miedo va desvaneciendo poco a poco
tu abrazo me saca del peligro
me arriesgo a las ramas del hoy
mi futuro no esta firme; papalotea como de costumbre
solo tengo una esperanza
quiero alquilar ese amor en prueba
quiero entoxicarme de ti
como una gata en celo recuerdo tus abilidades
pierdo la calma y me llevas en euforia corporal
todo esta escrito en las leyes del destino
llevame contigo
jueves, 3 de julio de 2008
un poema para Lang Poetry series at The Newschool (excuse my french )
Se que tengo cara de niña buena
Per no te voy a ayudar cada quincena
Se que puedo ser cochita
Pero tambien puedo morder tu linda cabecita, mamita...
No te confundas con mi sonrisa
Puede que te de una paliza
A veces tu voz no me agrada
prefiero estar saboreandome una tostada
Una tostada con frijolitos y quesito mmm q' rico!
Se que puedo ser cute
pero a veces me parezco a un mamut
Yo se, estoy chiquita
mas igual soy una cabroncita
Se que tengo mucha paciencia
Mas no me grites con frecuencia
Puedo ser chistosa
pero a la vez poderosa
Me puedo apoderar de tu inocencia
Asi como si fuera pura coincidencia
Puedo ser tu comadre
Pero tambien mentarte la madre
Me dicen cariñosa y linda
Aprovechate y te pateo hasta la india
Puedo comer ansia
Mas no me sofoques mi tolerancia
Se que puedo ser indecisa
Pero ahora soy muy precisa
Solo te lo voy voy a decir una ves
En español, ingles o portugues
No me chingues!!!
Se que tengo cara de niña buena
Per no te voy a ayudar cada quincena
Se que puedo ser cochita
Pero tambien puedo morder tu linda cabecita, mamita...
No te confundas con mi sonrisa
Puede que te de una paliza
A veces tu voz no me agrada
prefiero estar saboreandome una tostada
Una tostada con frijolitos y quesito mmm q' rico!
Se que puedo ser cute
pero a veces me parezco a un mamut
Yo se, estoy chiquita
mas igual soy una cabroncita
Se que tengo mucha paciencia
Mas no me grites con frecuencia
Puedo ser chistosa
pero a la vez poderosa
Me puedo apoderar de tu inocencia
Asi como si fuera pura coincidencia
Puedo ser tu comadre
Pero tambien mentarte la madre
Me dicen cariñosa y linda
Aprovechate y te pateo hasta la india
Puedo comer ansia
Mas no me sofoques mi tolerancia
Se que puedo ser indecisa
Pero ahora soy muy precisa
Solo te lo voy voy a decir una ves
En español, ingles o portugues
No me chingues!!!
something i found online... hillarious!
by A. Fool, Nov 16, 2007
I live in Jamaica, and we call it ganja. I grew up with it. The first time I used it my grandmother had gone to the local police officer to get a few ounces to help with my asthma.
She made it into a very black bitter tea. I drank it. I used to drink it every day to prevent asthma attacks.
When I got older I smoked ganja once and while. I didn't do it to get "high", I used it for insights.
I didn't smoke tiny little toothpicks, I rolled double sized cigarette "spliffs". I might take two or three pulls before outing it, because it was strong enough to open my thoughts after only two or three pulls.
I noticed others would smoke until they passed out, or made fools of themselves, and couldn't see the purpose of it.
When I went to University I drank the tea each morning before breakfast, each evening when I came from class. I never had an asthma attack.
I smoked ganja before I took my exams, it enabled me to so focus on what was before me that I could pass my best friend and not see him.
After exams, when I was working, I smoked once and a while but wasn't much into it. Where I lived was so polluted that I had to get an asthma inhaler as the tea didn't work anymore.
Eventually, I stopped smoking ganja. I had no use for it. But others continued to smoke until they passed out or made fools of themselves.
I once tapped a heretofore brilliant young man who got a double dose of oral diarrhea after smoking a spliff. He couldn't shut up, he couldn't stick on one topic, and rambled on and on and on. The next day I played the tape for him and he never smoked another spliff after that.
There are those who want to get "high" to stop being who they are. Who want an excuse to do things they are too inhibited so to do.
There are those who virtually become addicted to ganja. They can't stand themselves as they are. They have nothing to focus on so just smoke until they enter the land of nod where they sleepwalk through their lives doing stupid things, and acting as if "someone else" did them.
There are also those who smoke and go right off the deep end, never finding their way back.
Those of us who grew up with ganja as you grew up with oatmeal don't see anything particularly exciting about it.
The idea of huffing and puffing and holding it in to get a buzz looks so ridiculous I can't but laugh.
If you smoke it once and awhile and try to do something while under the influence you may either find that it makes it twice as difficult or redirects your thought "out of the box".
To need to get hide is the problem, not the ganja. For without ganja there is liquor, cocaine, heroin and a whole drug store full of pills.
It is not the ganja's fault that people abuse it.
I live in Jamaica, and we call it ganja. I grew up with it. The first time I used it my grandmother had gone to the local police officer to get a few ounces to help with my asthma.
She made it into a very black bitter tea. I drank it. I used to drink it every day to prevent asthma attacks.
When I got older I smoked ganja once and while. I didn't do it to get "high", I used it for insights.
I didn't smoke tiny little toothpicks, I rolled double sized cigarette "spliffs". I might take two or three pulls before outing it, because it was strong enough to open my thoughts after only two or three pulls.
I noticed others would smoke until they passed out, or made fools of themselves, and couldn't see the purpose of it.
When I went to University I drank the tea each morning before breakfast, each evening when I came from class. I never had an asthma attack.
I smoked ganja before I took my exams, it enabled me to so focus on what was before me that I could pass my best friend and not see him.
After exams, when I was working, I smoked once and a while but wasn't much into it. Where I lived was so polluted that I had to get an asthma inhaler as the tea didn't work anymore.
Eventually, I stopped smoking ganja. I had no use for it. But others continued to smoke until they passed out or made fools of themselves.
I once tapped a heretofore brilliant young man who got a double dose of oral diarrhea after smoking a spliff. He couldn't shut up, he couldn't stick on one topic, and rambled on and on and on. The next day I played the tape for him and he never smoked another spliff after that.
There are those who want to get "high" to stop being who they are. Who want an excuse to do things they are too inhibited so to do.
There are those who virtually become addicted to ganja. They can't stand themselves as they are. They have nothing to focus on so just smoke until they enter the land of nod where they sleepwalk through their lives doing stupid things, and acting as if "someone else" did them.
There are also those who smoke and go right off the deep end, never finding their way back.
Those of us who grew up with ganja as you grew up with oatmeal don't see anything particularly exciting about it.
The idea of huffing and puffing and holding it in to get a buzz looks so ridiculous I can't but laugh.
If you smoke it once and awhile and try to do something while under the influence you may either find that it makes it twice as difficult or redirects your thought "out of the box".
To need to get hide is the problem, not the ganja. For without ganja there is liquor, cocaine, heroin and a whole drug store full of pills.
It is not the ganja's fault that people abuse it.
My Graphic design thesis
Historically, culturally, and economically, for good and bad, the histories of Mexico and the United States were wrapped together like pieces of cellophane. "
- Octavio Paz
My thesis consisted of redesigning traditional Mexican nichos by using different mediums that are associated to graphic design. The content inside the boxes is a narration of the construction of my Mexican-American culture within Mexico, Texas and New York. Each box represents a different moment from birth to present time; with the exception of three boxes that reflect on social problems arising at the Mexico and U.S. border. The author Gloria Anzaldua speaks of the the cultural and biological cross-pollination as "a new mestiza consciousness." I want to represent this Mexican American "consciousness" as a synthesis of the old world and the new, the conquerors and the conquered, the mystical and the rational. with a tolerance for ambiguity.
1.PAPIS: The silhouette represents my parent's plan of my birth in the United States in hope of a better future. The surroundings represent Mexico City and it's mestizo culture as well as symbols from the Azteca-Mexica culture. Some of the symbols consist of Coatlalopeuh "Serpent Skirt" which is La Virgen de Guadalupe 's Indian name. She is the central deity connecting the Mexicans to their Indian ancestry. She descended from earlier Mesoamerican fertility and Earth goddesses. Another goddess named Tonantsi was worshiped as well by the Nahuas. They pray for their health and the growth of their crops. It was believed that she gave Mexico the cactus plant to provide her people with milk and pulque.
2. MAMI: The body is my mother and the baby represents me. The outer drawings represent the flow of plans with my birth in Texas. The Eagle represents the United States; other symbols are Catholicism, the Aztec sun and the Virgin Mary.
3. ALPES: This is the Private All girls Catholic school I went to in Saltillo, Coahuila Mexico. The details are very personal; such as my mother, grandparents, staff, school friends, and teachers. The eagle and snake are a representation of my spiritual roots juxtaposed with the imposed Catholicism. A member of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation ( a revolutionary group based in Chiapas) is at the bottom right corner. Their struggle happened at this time and was about control over their own resources, particularly the land on which they live. I want to emphasize the fact that Indigeneous people in Mexico have been oppressed and continue to be.
4. TRANSITION: This represents the synergy of two cultures when I moved to Laredo, Texas. The acculturation of the pocho culture and the balancing of traditional versus modern feminist roles. The river divides the two cities in which I spent most of my young childhood. The Flag that I am carrying has hamburgers and hot dogs instead of the stars and stripes. The skirt portrays the war fought over the Mexican-American border and the Treaty of Guadalupe.
5. VIRGIN MARY: She is considered the patron saint of the Chicanos and Mexicans. Coatlalopeuh became La Virgen de Guadalupe after the Spanish Conquest. She was desexed by getting the serpent (sexuality) out of her and making her a chaste virgin. The Tonantsi became this Guadalupe, defender of the Mexican people. The serpent is a symbol of the indigeneous religion. Her image today is more venerated than Jesus or God. The Virgin is decontextualized by placing her in the United States as someone who is living the "American Dream" and calling attention to consumerism.
6. RONALD: McDonald's icon was placed out of context again in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. He represents the kids on the streets doing whatever they can for money. The sun is Jesus Christ representing Mexican people's strong faith.
7. NARCOS: This is a toast to a transaction being made by the Mexican Chief of Police and a leading drug dealer from the Mexican border. This represents the violence that took place in Nuevo Laredo when the drug dealers bought out the police and did what they wanted with the city. The painting in the middle is Jesús Malverde; known as the "narco-saint" and is a folklore hero in the Mexican state of Sinaloa. He is celebrated in both Mexico and the United States, particularly among those involved in drug trafficking. However, he is not officially recognized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church.
8. LUCHADORA: This is myself in the present ( New York). The suit represents the beginning of my professional career surrounded by both my cultures. The mask symbolizes my Mexican traditions and morals that I have kept and how they intertwine with the new adopted ones.
The beliefs of the ancient Aztecs are visible through metaphors. They are displayed here above, which symbolizes the gods and spirit world; also known as topan. Lastly, below is the underworld and the region of the dead, known as mictlan.
---close up of images coming soon.....
would love to get opinions on it
Mario Benedetti
¿Y si Dios fuera mujer?
pregunta Juan sin inmutarse,
vaya, vaya si Dios fuera mujer
es posible que agnósticos y ateos
no dijéramos no con la cabeza
y dijéramos sí con las entrañas.
Tal vez nos acercáramos a su divina desnudez
para besar sus pies no de bronce,
su pubis no de piedra,
sus pechos no de mármol,
sus labios no de yeso.
Si Dios fuera mujer la abrazaríamos
para arrancarla de su lontananza
y no habría que jurar
hasta que la muerte nos separe
ya que sería inmortal por antonomasia
y en vez de transmitirnos SIDA o pánico
nos contagiaría su inmortalidad.
Si Dios fuera mujer no se instalaría
lejana en el reino de los cielos,
sino que nos aguardaría en el zaguán del infierno,
con sus brazos no cerrados,
su rosa no de plástico
y su amor no de ángeles.
Ay Dios mío, Dios mío
si hasta siempre y desde siempre
fueras una mujer
qué lindo escándalo sería,
qué venturosa, espléndida, imposible,
prodigiosa blasfemia.
Mario Benedetti
pregunta Juan sin inmutarse,
vaya, vaya si Dios fuera mujer
es posible que agnósticos y ateos
no dijéramos no con la cabeza
y dijéramos sí con las entrañas.
Tal vez nos acercáramos a su divina desnudez
para besar sus pies no de bronce,
su pubis no de piedra,
sus pechos no de mármol,
sus labios no de yeso.
Si Dios fuera mujer la abrazaríamos
para arrancarla de su lontananza
y no habría que jurar
hasta que la muerte nos separe
ya que sería inmortal por antonomasia
y en vez de transmitirnos SIDA o pánico
nos contagiaría su inmortalidad.
Si Dios fuera mujer no se instalaría
lejana en el reino de los cielos,
sino que nos aguardaría en el zaguán del infierno,
con sus brazos no cerrados,
su rosa no de plástico
y su amor no de ángeles.
Ay Dios mío, Dios mío
si hasta siempre y desde siempre
fueras una mujer
qué lindo escándalo sería,
qué venturosa, espléndida, imposible,
prodigiosa blasfemia.
Mario Benedetti
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